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So, you’ve launched your brilliant new startup, built an awesome brand, and now you’re ready to conquer the world. Amazing, right? But wait—what about your intellectual property (IP)? If you’re like most entrepreneurs, IP might not be at the top of your to-do list. It’s not exactly the most exciting part of running a business (unless you’re an IP lawyer, of course). But here’s a hard to swallow pill: one slip-up with your IP, and all that hard work could come crashing down. 😱

Let’s dive into eight common IP mistakes entrepreneurs make—and how you can avoid them like a pro.

Mistake #1: Failing to register a trademark early

Why this happens:
You’re busy. Between creating killer products and trying to get your business noticed, who has time to deal with trademarks? Most entrepreneurs put off registering their trademark until they’re “bigger” or making more money. But waiting can lead to one nasty surprise: someone else beats you to it.

The risks of waiting:
You’ve built your brand from the ground up, your customers are loving it, and suddenly, you get a cease-and-desist letter from another company claiming you’re infringing on their trademark. Ouch. Worse yet, they could own the rights to the name you’ve worked so hard to build. Now you’re stuck rebranding—new logo, new website, new everything. That’s not just a headache; that’s a financial nightmare. 💸

How to avoid it:
The solution? Don’t wait. As soon as you’re set on your brand name, go ahead and register that trademark. It’s way easier (and cheaper) to lock it down early rather than play catch-up later. Moreover, often there are grants for small businesses you can use to save up some money on registration fees – one such grant scheme is The Ideas Powered for business SME Fund. And if you want to make it even simpler, Adora IP can help you get your trademark registered in a snap.

Mistake #2: Not protecting international IP rights

Why entrepreneurs overlook this:
It’s easy to think, “Why bother with international protection? We’re just getting started locally.” But IP rights are territorial, which means if you’re not covering your bases abroad, someone else might snag your brand in another country. Now imagine expanding your business to the US, only to find out someone else owns your brand there. Yeah, not fun.

The impact of ignoring international protection:
Let’s say you plan to expand internationally—maybe you’ve got your sights on the U.S., China, or even that thriving market in Brazil. If you haven’t protected your trademark in those regions, competitors could swoop in and steal your brand. Worse yet, they could stop you from using your own brand name in those markets. 😱 Imagine trying to explain to your investors why your international expansion just hit a brick wall.

How to avoid it:
When you’re planning for international growth, make sure you’re thinking about international IP protection. Adora IP can help you create a global IP strategy, so you don’t end up fighting a legal battle halfway around the world.

Mistake #3: Assuming a business name is the same as a trademark

Common misunderstanding:
“I registered my business name, so I’m good, right?” Wrong. Registering your business name with the local authorities doesn’t give you exclusive rights to use it commercially as a trademark. It’s a bit like buying a domain name—it’s yours, but it’s not legally protected unless you take that extra step.

The legal difference:
Your business name registration is just a formality that lets you operate under that name. A trademark, on the other hand, gives you exclusive rights to use that name in commerce. If someone else trademarks it, they could stop you from using your own name on your products or services. Yikes.

How to avoid it:
Don’t assume that registering your business name is enough. Trademark it. Whether it’s your company name, product names, or even a catchy slogan, lock it down with a trademark. Need help? Adora IP’s got your back with easy-to-understand guidance through the entire process.

Mistake #4: Ignoring copyright protection for creative assets

Why this happens:
You’ve got your logo, website design, and all those fancy product photos—they’re not protected without registration, right? Wrong again. When you create something, which qualifies as an artistic works, it gets protected automatically. However, in the digital age, it takes just seconds for someone to steal your content and use it as their own. That’s why it’s important to monitor social media and the internet in general to detect any unauthorised use of your creative work.

The risks of failing to monitor for infringements:
Let’s say you’re launching a new product. You spend a small fortune on gorgeous branding and website design. Now, what if someone copies your website, slaps their own logo on it, and starts selling a similar product? Without being aware of it, they can get away with it. Not only is that frustrating, but it also dilutes your brand identity.

How to avoid it:
Make sure you have a monitoring strategy for all your creative and IP assets—your logo, website content, product designs, and even your Instagram photos (hello, Petme influencers!). Adora IP offers affordable monitoring services to defend what’s uniquely yours.

Mistake #5: Overlooking confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements (NDAs)

Why entrepreneurs forget NDAs:
You’re in the middle of an exciting new project, and in your enthusiasm, you start sharing your ideas with potential partners or investors. We get it—collaboration is key to success. But sharing too much, too soon, without legal protection, can be a huge mistake.

The risks of skipping NDAs:
If you don’t use an NDA, nothing is stopping someone from walking away with your ideas and creating a competing product. It’s a tough lesson to learn, and it happens more often than you’d think.

How to avoid it:
Always have an NDA in place before sharing sensitive information with anyone—whether it’s a potential business partner, supplier, or even a contractor. Adora IP can help you whip up an airtight NDA that protects your business from idea theft.

Mistake #6: Not protecting digital assets (yes, that includes NFTs!)

Why this happens:
Digital assets might not seem as “real” as physical products, but trust us—they’re just as important to your business. And if you’ve jumped on the NFT bandwagon (kudos for being forward-thinking!), make sure you’re protecting those digital assets, too.

The impact of failing to protect digital assets:
Domain names, social media handles, and NFTs are the lifeblood of your digital presence. Imagine losing your domain name to a competitor or having someone steal your NFT collection (that you’ve poured countless hours into). Without proper IP protection, this can happen.

How to avoid it:
Secure your domain names, social media handles, and any digital assets early on and register your trademark, so that they are legally protected. And don’t forget to protect those NFTs. Adora IP is here to make sure your digital assets are locked down and safe from prying hands.

Mistake #7: Skipping legal help — until it’s too late

Why entrepreneurs delay seeking legal advice:
Look, we get it—hiring a lawyer can feel like an unnecessary expense, especially when you’re bootstrapping your business. Many entrepreneurs try to DIY their IP strategy, only to end up in hot water when things go wrong. Don’t let that be you.

The risks of delaying legal help:
By the time you realize you need legal help, you could already be in a mess—trademark disputes, copyright infringement claims, or international domain name battles that drain your time and money. Fixing IP issues after they’ve happened is often way more expensive than getting things right from the start.

How to avoid it:
Don’t wait until you’re in over your head. Get legal help early on. Adora IP offers affordable, expert legal services to protect your IP before you run into any problems.

Mistake #8: Overlooking website compliance and digital regulations

Why entrepreneurs overlook this:
We get it—website compliance doesn’t exactly scream “fun.” But ignoring things like GDPR, privacy policies, and cookie banners can land you in serious legal trouble, especially if your business deals with customer data. And obviously, no one wants to be hit with a massive fine because they didn’t put up a proper cookie banner. 🍪

The risks of ignoring compliance:
Failing to comply with digital regulations like GDPR can result in hefty fines. Even worse, your customers might lose trust in your brand if they feel like their personal data isn’t secure.

How to avoid it:
Make sure your website complies with all relevant regulations, especially if you operate in the EU or collect personal data from customers. Adora IP can help you navigate the maze of digital compliance, so you can focus on what really matters—growing your business.


IP protection might not be the most exciting part of entrepreneurship, but it’s absolutely essential. By avoiding these eight common mistakes—failing to register trademarks early, overlooking digital assets, and skipping legal help, to name a few—you can protect your brand, save money, and set your business up for long-term success. Running a business is hard enough without having to worry about intellectual property. That’s where Adora IP comes in. Whether you’re registering trademarks, protecting digital assets, or getting help with website compliance, Adora IP makes it easy (and affordable) to protect your brand and ideas. So why not let us handle the boring stuff, while you focus on building the business of your dreams?


1. What’s the difference between a business name and a trademark?
A business name just registers your company with local authorities. A trademark, on the other hand, gives you exclusive rights to use that name in commerce.

2. Should I trademark my business name in every country?
Yes! IP rights are territorial, so to protect your brand globally, you need to register your trademark in each country where you plan to operate.

3. Can I protect digital assets like domain names and NFTs?
Absolutely. Digital assets are just as important as physical ones, and Adora IP can help you protect your domain names, NFTs, and other digital assets.

4. Do I really need an NDA?
Yes. NDAs protect your sensitive business information from being stolen or misused by others.

5. What happens if my website isn’t GDPR compliant?
Non-compliance with GDPR can result in hefty fines, and you could lose customer trust. Make sure your website follows all relevant regulations with the help of Adora IP.